Derek Riemer
Good Day, I am Derek Riemer. Thank you for visiting my site! These pages and blog posts are specifically designed to give you a feel for my interests, and showcase me as an individual.
Overview of interests
I am a software engineer and user interface developer who is interested in accessibility, performance, ciber security, and code health. I am interested in human centered computing and accessibility. UniversalDesign is also a passion of mine. I believe that all people have utility to give to society, and that by not designing for unique and diverse audiences, many useful opinions are lost. As a blind individual who grew up in Colorado, I am passionate about the outdoors, and enjoy a whole host of activities related to the outdoors. I've worked on research at the university of Colorado at Boulder, and have industry experience with frontend web development, rappid prototyping, accessibility, and release management. I also have a portfolio of open source contributions, and random bits of software. in spare time I write poetry, enjoy music, sometimes craft things with parachord, ski, hike, rock climb, and am always trying out new hobbies. I also formerly lead the NVDACon, which has grown to a siseable conference. I also maintain a blog, which I update occasionally with random musings on software, life, tools of the trade for blind people, etc.

Derek Skiing at Winter Park, Colorado. Photo taken on Pine Cliffs
Pine Cliffs is a run at Winter Park, in Colorado. It is a double black run, with pitches in excess of 30° in places, and is gladed. The run is exciting to ski, because it presents challenges from the sheer steepness, and the fact that it is a mogul run. I am one of very few, if not the only blind person to have skied every run at Winter park, including very challenging runs such as Hole In The Wall, and the Cirque.
If you want to follow me in real time, visit my bluesky profile, @blindguy.ninja. To contact me, you can email me. My email is derek@derekriemer.com.
If you want any of the following, you have come to the right place. This portfolio showcases what I have done over the past years and pulls together information on me to a central location. Below is a video from my senior year in high school showing my Super Student of the year award given to me by The city of Arvada and Arvada Media Services.